Friday, February 20, 2009

Milestone......or not

Kind of a funny story....This morning Mark and I were talking and I had told him that I believe all the other girls that were adopted when we got Kaylee, were sleeping in toddler beds. Mark and I decided that we would turn her bed into a toddler bed today. We were very excited about this. Kaylee was in the kitchen in her high chair coloring and Mark fixed the bed and I put all new bedding and all her favorite things to sleep with on it. We also got her a step stool so she could get  on the bed. It is taller than the toddler beds I have seen in the past. We brought Kaylee in there and she LOVED it!!! She was smiling and got on the bed, reached in her basket and got her books, she pulled the blanket on her, and kept looking at Mark and I, just sooooooooo happy. Then it happened....Kaylee had lunch and Mark took her in her room to let her take a nap. She cried and screamed and cried. I went in there and held her and soothed her and put her back on her wonderful toddler bed. She cried, she screamed and cried some more. Mark had to bring the crib rail back in there and hook it up all over again. It took a while before she would calm down. We think she just feels safe and secure in the crib, so for now we are going to keep it up. 
Here  are some pictures of the toddler bed and then back to a crib with a happy baby sleeping and snug as a bug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks great! Spacify offers wide range of Toddler Beds .