Friday, June 26, 2009

Our little Kayleebug is such a princess. She does not like getting her hands dirty or walking outside barefoot. We are trying to work on Kaylee loves reading books to her babies and feeding them. When I am cooking dinner, she will cook in her own kitchen area. Pool time is a favorite. We are teaching her how to hold her nose and go under the water, and also how to kick her feet. Aunt Bee left her float here and Kaylee has really enjoyed that!
We participated in our first FCM (Families of the China Moon) toddler play date, this past Thursday at Romp n Roll. Kaylee was very shy at first but then she started running around with the other kids and having a blast! She made a special friend, his name is Gabe and they really became fast friends. It was so cute seeing her interact with other kids. We are looking forward to more play dates!

1 comment:

Nicole's Mom said...

That is just too cute of Kaylee floating in the pool.