Friday, September 12, 2008

Kaylee's first haircut....

Kaylee did not want to get her hair cut. Mark had to sit in the chair with her and she still was screaming. We tried to give her a tootsie pop but that did not work either. Thank goodness it only took a few minutes. As soon as we picked her up, she was fine and wanted her tootsie pop. She is saying all kinds of new words, up, down, I love you,daddy bear, duck, bye bye, more, cookie....and many others. She also has about 4 back teeth coming in at the same time. Kaylee is 19 months old as of yesterday. She is growing up so fast. Mark and I are looking forward to the holiday season since this will be our first with Kaylee.

1 comment:

Wandering Where? said...

looks like Devin and Kayee got their first hair cuts on the same day? Devin got hers cut on Sept. 11.