Saturday, March 8, 2008

We love Aunt Peggy...

Aunt Peggy came for the weekend, and a couple of her friends, Gwen and Eileen from Va. Beach sent Kaylee a handmade hat and poncho and a Dora the Explorer music book. The poncho and hat that Eileen crocheted is just beautiful! Kaylee just loves the book that Gwen sent. I was so surprised when Peggy told me they had sent gifts. Thank you both so much!! Kaylee is getting much better now with the antibiotic she is on. She is also starting to get on schedule a little better.

1 comment:

Dan and Elise said...

hey hastings!
so good to hear from you and we are so sorry to hear about kaylee's bronchial infection. i hope she is doing better and certainly can relate, firsthand, how these things are no fun.

it was great fun to get on your site and see some fun and familiar faces. Y'all look so happy and full of joy. cool stuff.

of course, we'd love to share photos with you all. I would just need to copy my cd's and will send them on out. And we'd love to see yours as well!

dan, elise, brianna, and mia