My teenage son, Dylan, is starting to make me a little nuts, with his attitude and back talking...I have threatened to take away his cel phone, which would kill him. He has really been testing me a lot lately. I am hoping my prayers will be answered and we will both get through trying time. Dylan made me feel so special yesterday- he came in from feeding the dogs and gave me some flowers that he had picked for me. Let me remind you that he is 16 years old. I was so touched by this gesture. There is hope that Dylan and I can get through this together...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Is there hope???
My teenage son, Dylan, is starting to make me a little nuts, with his attitude and back talking...I have threatened to take away his cel phone, which would kill him. He has really been testing me a lot lately. I am hoping my prayers will be answered and we will both get through trying time. Dylan made me feel so special yesterday- he came in from feeding the dogs and gave me some flowers that he had picked for me. Let me remind you that he is 16 years old. I was so touched by this gesture. There is hope that Dylan and I can get through this together...
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Miss Personality...
I guess since the beginning of our adoption journey of Kaylee, I have worried about how she was treated in China, was there someone (a nanny-"auntie") that loved and cared for her, did she get enough food and milk. I also worried about if she would have bonding issues or have emotional problems. Yes I tend to worry a lot, and for nothing. Kaylee has been right on track pretty much since the beginning. She is the most loving and intelligent little girl. Kaylee is really making progress on her speech, she is repeating things we say( I guess we need to watch what we are saying now, lol) She understands most of what we say/ask her. She has just blossomed.
Mark and his dad are almost done with our new deck. It is really looking good.
We had a very nice turnout at church today for our Fellowship Luncheon. My in-laws joined us and my friend, Chip also. Mark even took off from work to be there.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Quiet weekend...
Hope everyone is doing well. We are fine. Not much going on here at home. Kaylee now loves her bed, and does not fuss at bedtime anymore. She likes the word "no" and says it often. She says it even when she means
After church on Sunday, my friend Chip came for a visit. We had lunch and great conversation. I felt very special that he chose to visit us on his Birthday. Hope you had a very Happy Birthday Chippy!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Goodbye to the crib...
Kaylee and I went to Walmart yesterday to get some training pants/undies for her. I found a railing for her crib, so when Mark got home he put it together and once again, she loved it. The big test came when I went to Bible study, and Mark put her to bed. He said she cried for a few minutes and then stopped. WOW! I was so excited that she did not cry for a long time. Kaylee woke up at about 5:30am and I went in there and changed her diaper and layed her back down and turned her music on. Not a peep from her...
Monday, March 9, 2009
Fun outside with Kaylee...
This morning, Kaylee and I went outside to hang out clothes and play for a while. Kaylee had fun swinging and playing in her house. She likes to climb up and down the steps, which makes me nervous. I am looking forward to enjoying our pool and soon to be finished deck this summer. Sassy and Libby were sitting in the kitchen window trying to figure out how to get outside and enjoy the sunny weather...
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Aunt Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
My sister, Peggy, or better known as Aunt Beeeeeeee, came to visit this weekend. Peggy brought Kaylee a bunny rabbit that dances and sings "Babies got Bounce", and she also gave her a bunny on a bike with jellybeans, and a bunny cup with straw. Peggy and Kaylee had such a good time playing in her kitchen and with all her dolls. Kaylee can recognize Aunt Bee and Ya Ya's voice on the phone now. Everytime she sees me on the phone, she yells out for one of them, lol. Saturday night, Peggy and I snuck away and went to see the movie "Taken". It was fantastic! We both agreed, it is a buyer. We got up this morning and went to church and then Peggy left to meet Trudy for a day of shopping in Williamsburg. Mark got home from work and started working on the deck again today, with Dylan's assistance. They make a pretty good team. Mark's Birthday was last Wednesday and his dad and Jane gave him a Home Depot gift card, so he went and bought a chain saw and a few other things he needed for the deck. He was so happy to get that chain saw. Mark has wanted one for a long time. Thank you dad and Jane! There was a box waiting for him on Saturday when he got home from work from his mom, Jan. He opened it and was happy to see a Leathermen multi tool knife and a digital tire gauge. She managed to also sneak some small books in the box for Kaylee, which she loves. Thank you mom/Grandma!
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