Our neighbor Butch Roach, passed away on Wednesday July 16th. He had cancer and a bad heart. Butch and Linda were great neighbors. He use to come over to our back fence and give our dogs, Ginger, Thelma and Louise treats all the time. We are really going to miss him. Aunt Trudy babysat Kaylee so we could attend the funeral. Kaylee had a wonderful time with her. She brought Kaylee home and Kaylee was soooo tired she went to sleep as soon as her head touched the bed. Dylan is STILL not home. His dad picked him up from Toni's house and they are hanging out together and going to see the new Batman movie. He is not going to get home until around 9:00 tonight. Mark and I really don't know what to do with ourselves without Dylan and Kaylee here. We are watching the "Spiderwick Chronicles" and relaxing until our babies come home...